Brandon Stieg


Brandon Stieg

Brandon Stieg is a sculptor whose love of the natural world and industrial relics of the past influence his creations. From a young age, he was fascinated by the mysteries of our reality and the imaginary worlds he could create in his drawings. Stieg majored in studio arts and architecture at the University of Colorado at Boulder. Since then, he has dedicated his life to honing those skills, working in metal and wood, and asking the hard questions that give his work meaning.

His metalwork is hand-forged, formed, and fabricated in steel, copper, brass, and bronze. Due to the level of detail and finish he can achieve in these mediums, his work is often mistaken for bronze castings, and as a result, Stieg’s work is recognized around the world among metal artists and collectors alike.

Stieg’s wood carving work is the Yin to the Yang of his meticulous metal craft and contrasts significantly in style and approach. Characterized by smooth surfaces and curvilinear forms with an emphasis on balance, his work celebrates the inherent beauty of the wood’s grains and patterns and the creativity of the natural environment.

Stieg’s work is conceptual in nature and explores the human experience and the many questions we share as we navigate our reality.

Stieg is based in Marin County in northern California.

Artist Statement

All of my work explores the human condition, drawing inspiration from personal stories. Each piece is born from an impactful moment, contributing to the skeletal narrative that we construct to shape our reality. Ultimately, my aim is to foster a connection between viewer and the artwork, offering a glimpse into the complexities of human spirit and our relentless quest for meaning.